Quick Seasoning Tips
I have had many people ask me for tips on seasoning foods. The following is a quick reference for making your foods taste good without using too much salt (always use sea salt instead of regular table salt):
Bay Leaves: I use this seasoning in my purple hule and black-eyed peas, navy beans and in soups. It provides a wonderful flavor. Bay leaves are also known to help the digestive system, especially combating flatulence. Caution: Make sure to remove the leaf after cooking. Do not eat the leaves. They are hard, so they could become damaging to your intestinal walls.
Ginger: This is a great seasoning for fish, chicken and all types of vegetables. Ginger can be used in the raw root form by chopping or grating, or used in a powder form. Fresh grated ginger is great on salads, steamed broccoli, cauliflower, sautéed carrots and in beans or soups. If you use the fresh root, do not place in boiling water because that limits its many healing properties. Ginger helps the digestive system and is good for helping to boost the immune system against colds. Many women also find relief from menstrual cramps by drinking ginger tea.
Parsley: This is good in its dried form on fish and poultry. I love to use the fresh parsley in my soups and beans. Parsley is good for digestion and packs many nutrients. Fresh parsley should be used when making a nice presentation during special family meals. Using parsley as a garnish helps to visually make foods more appealing. Your food should be not only attractive to the taste buds, but also to the eye.
Paprika: This is a mild seasoning that can add a dash of color and flavor to your dish. I add paprika to my fish, cole slaw and potato salad dishes. Paprika is mild on the stomach and has been known to help with circulation.
Raw Apple Cider Vinegar: This is one of my cooking secrets. Add a tablespoon to your cole slaw dressing and you won't need as much mayo! It also adds a very distinct flavor to many dishes. I prefer to use the Braggs brand. This vinegar has many health benefits. If you want to limit mucus in your system, this is a good addition. It has been beneficial in a weight loss program when used along with exercise and a healthy diet. If you have a sore throat, the vinegar mixed with clean water is a helpful gargle.
Bay Leaves: I use this seasoning in my purple hule and black-eyed peas, navy beans and in soups. It provides a wonderful flavor. Bay leaves are also known to help the digestive system, especially combating flatulence. Caution: Make sure to remove the leaf after cooking. Do not eat the leaves. They are hard, so they could become damaging to your intestinal walls.
Ginger: This is a great seasoning for fish, chicken and all types of vegetables. Ginger can be used in the raw root form by chopping or grating, or used in a powder form. Fresh grated ginger is great on salads, steamed broccoli, cauliflower, sautéed carrots and in beans or soups. If you use the fresh root, do not place in boiling water because that limits its many healing properties. Ginger helps the digestive system and is good for helping to boost the immune system against colds. Many women also find relief from menstrual cramps by drinking ginger tea.
Parsley: This is good in its dried form on fish and poultry. I love to use the fresh parsley in my soups and beans. Parsley is good for digestion and packs many nutrients. Fresh parsley should be used when making a nice presentation during special family meals. Using parsley as a garnish helps to visually make foods more appealing. Your food should be not only attractive to the taste buds, but also to the eye.
Paprika: This is a mild seasoning that can add a dash of color and flavor to your dish. I add paprika to my fish, cole slaw and potato salad dishes. Paprika is mild on the stomach and has been known to help with circulation.
Raw Apple Cider Vinegar: This is one of my cooking secrets. Add a tablespoon to your cole slaw dressing and you won't need as much mayo! It also adds a very distinct flavor to many dishes. I prefer to use the Braggs brand. This vinegar has many health benefits. If you want to limit mucus in your system, this is a good addition. It has been beneficial in a weight loss program when used along with exercise and a healthy diet. If you have a sore throat, the vinegar mixed with clean water is a helpful gargle.